From The Visiting Committee
Your CPASS Visiting Committee, a diverse team of alumni who volunteer their time and expertise to the College, has been hard at work during the past school year supporting the dean’s transformational vision of the College. The Visiting Committee kicked off its spring 2017 meeting held in April by attending the 5th Annual Research Day student poster presentations. After, a dinner was held at which guest speaker Sean Frisbee, president of the WVU Alumni Association, discussed ways the Alumni Association can reach out to support the College’s mission.
The next morning the Visiting Committee met with Dean Brooks, the assistant dean, the department chairs, and the administrative staff. After catching up on the latest developments at CPASS, the Committee went to work in their subcommittees, which include Student Affairs/Research, Academic Affairs/Research/Global Initiatives, Alumni Relations/Development and Hall of Fame. All of the subcommittees discussed the upcoming 85th Anniversary Celebration to be held throughout the 2017-2018 school year, working to come up with innovative suggestions and ideas to make this a memorable celebration. The Committee and the College are looking forward to seeing a big crowd of Mountaineers at these events.
Committee members also attended the CPASS Faculty/Staff/Student Awards luncheon, which honors those who have exemplified the very best achievements of our College for the past year. The Committee is proud of the faculty and staff members who were honored at this event. It was also impressive to see so many students receive scholarships, and to see the generosity of the numerous donors whose financial support makes it all possible.
In fall 2017, the Visiting Committee will host the annual Speed Mentoring Session for CPASS students. This is an interactive process between students and Committee members covering a multitude of physical activity and sport science issues. The Committee is looking forward to sponsoring another dynamic Student Research Day in the spring of 2018. The Visiting Committee will continue to support the dean in an advisory capacity and ultimately hopes to help students be successful in their endeavors at WVU and beyond. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?