Sport and Exercise Psychology students have chalked up an impressive set of accomplishments during the past six months. Students have submitted, and some successfully published, manuscripts, chapters and articles in a variety of publications, including the Oxford University Press, Routledge/Psychology Press, Kinesiology Review and The Sport Psychologist.
Featured SEP grad students include: RobertHilliard, Tammy Sheehy, Leigh Bryant Skvarla, Megan Byrd, Stefanee Van Horn, Erika Van Dyke, Zenzi Huysmans, Jonathan Stewart and William Way.
Research topics range from examining self-perceptions in group exercise for people with Parkinson’s disease to college students’ attitude toward online counseling; the effect of sport news media in collegiate athletes and non-athletes; counseling and communication skills in sport and performance psychology; ethics in sport psychology; sport coaches' impact in young athletes and coach effectiveness related to injured athletes.
Other topics evaluate the prediction of clutch performance in sport; investigation of re-injury anxiety and the consequences of sport injury; self-talk; the use of trained health coaches and counseling and communication skills in sport and performance psychology.
A grant, examining coach provided social support to injured athletes, was funded by the NCAA Graduate Student Research Grant Program, for $5,434.
CPASS faculty were impressed with the students’ efforts. Dana Voelker, assistant professor, offered her encouragement. “Great work everyone. You should be proud of your accomplishments, but mostly for advancing knowledge and benefitting communities in the process.”
Scott Barnicle, teaching assistant professor, provided his encouragement. “Congratulations to the students for their amazing work.”
Jack Watson, professor and chair, Department of Sport Sciences, acknowledged the students’ hard work. “We celebrate the research accomplishments of SEP doctoral students during the past six months. Congratulations to each of the students for their efforts in the area of research. These are wonderful accomplishments.”
James Hannon, professor and assistant dean of academic affairs and research, extended his congratulations. “These accomplishments speak to the exceptional quality of our students and faculty mentors. Keep up the great work.”