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Let's Move McDowell celebrates physical activity in all schools


Students from all of McDowell County’s public schools gathered on October 23, 2014 at the Welch Armory to celebrate and demonstrate physical activities provided by the McDowell CHOICES Project, sponsored by CPASS and the Highmark Foundation. At the Let’s Move McDowell Physical Activity Celebration, more than 500 students performed short physical activity demonstrations representing new physical activities that have taken place at their schools this year.

Local and state leaders, and other stakeholders who have a special interest in physical activity promotion and obesity prevention in WV, and McDowell County, attended the event. Special guests included the WVU Mountaineer, West Virginia State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael Martirano, President, WV Board of Education, and former First Lady Gayle Manchin, Reconnecting McDowell leader and AFT President, Bob Brown, and others were on hand to congratulate the schools, their children, and the community for their accomplishments. 

“This event is a celebration of the kids and the school leaders who have made increasing physical activity a priority. We want them to continue to be excited about physical activity. The event highlights McDowell County Schools’ dedication to improving the health of their children,” said Dr. Eloise Elliott, WVU Ware Distinguished Professor and CHOICES Team leader. 

The McDowell CHOICES Project provided support for every school in McDowell County to develop a comprehensive school physical activity plan and become a Let’s Move Active School, and to enhance the physical activity opportunities in each school through additional equipment, after-school programming, certified/trained community physical activity leaders, and community outreach and promotion. 

“The CHOICES program has drastically improved the excitement about student physical activities. Not only has it improved the physical education classroom environment but the after school programs have benefited as well.” said McDowell School Superintendent Nelson Spencer. 

“In addition to highlighting students at this fun-filled event, there were physical activity breaks throughout designed to get the audience up and moving. A county-wide Flash Mob was scheduled mid-day. Other folks viewed the live stream online,” said McDowell CHOICES Project Director Nathan Acosta. 

The evidence-based strategies used during this project were adopted from Active WV 2015: The WV Physical Activity Plan and include enhancing school-based physical activity opportunities across all developmental levels and increasing family access to places and programs through policy and environmental modification.

For more information, contact Nathan Acosta (
Search Facebook for McDowell CHOICES and join the conversation on the official event page.

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