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National sport psychology foundation honors CPASS grad student

The Association for Applied Sport Psychology has awarded a seed grant to Sport, Exercise and Performance Psychology third year graduate student Tommy Minkler. The grant is intended to provide support for AASP members, especially early career professionals/pre-tenured faculty or students, for their community outreach/research endeavors.

Minkler’s study is titled ‘Drivers of Change in Mindfulness-Based Interventions with Athletes: Investigating the Influence of Dosage, Readiness, and Attitudes.’ Minkler says that his research explores wellbeing and performance outcomes along with the factors that contribute to them, during and after mindfulness interventions with college student-athletes.

"I'm so grateful for the financial assistance provided by AASP. This grant provides important funding that helps pay for travel between sites for data collection and allows me to compensate the people helping me conduct the study,"Minkler said.

Minkler expects to graduate in fall of 2022 or spring of 2023. “Following graduation, I plan to explore postdoc opportunities, academic positions, or positions that allow me to do some combination of research, teaching and applied sport psychology consulting,” he said.

AASP distributes the grants four times per year. The $500 award represents the largest one-time gift available.

Visit this link to learn more about the AASP Foundation seed grants.
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