PCA will host an interactive workshop for coaches in the WesMon Baseball league this Friday, March 31, at 6 p.m., at The River Church in Westover. Attendees will explore why and how to pursue both winning and the more important goal of teaching life lessons through sports.
This initiative was made possible through the generosity of donors to the Keith Bailey Positive Coach/Sport Parenting Initiative that was established in WVU’s School of Sport Sciences housed in the College of Applied Human Sciences. The fund was created in memory of Keith Bailey, a beloved coach and board member for WesMon Youth Baseball and Dean of WVU Online and Assistant Provost for Teaching and Learning who passed away in December 2020 after battling leukemia.
The partnership provides WesMon access to PCA’s training for coaches, sports parents, student-athletes and administrators, through live group workshops, online courses, books by PCA Founder Jim Thompson, and additional online resources, such as follow-up tips and reminders. PCA has partnered with roughly 3,500 youth sports organizations, schools, districts, conferences, and park-and-rec departments to create a Development Zone® culture, where the goal is using youth and high school sports to develop Better Athletes, Better People.
“We look forward to working with WesMon to create the best possible experience for the youth athletes,” said Positive Coaching Alliance CEO, Janet Carter. “Our research-based materials combine the latest in sports psychology, education, and practical advice from top professional and college coaches and athletes that help improve athletic performance while also ensuring kids take life lessons from sports that will help them throughout the rest of their lives.”
“The WesMon Youth Baseball League is excited to partner with PCA as we continue to create a character-building sport experience. We are looking forward to providing extra support and resources to our coaches, parents, and children.” said Joe Pritchard, WesMon Baseball president.
To make a donation to the fund, visit Keith Bailey Positive Coach/Sport Parenting Initiative.