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Sport management grad gives credit to professors for career success

Matt Oelbaum remembers the lessons learned in the classroom at WVU. Not just academic knowledge, but the life lessons his teachers shared. Earlier this fall he was awarded an Emmy for his show “MLB Tonight.” He credits his professors in contributing to his accomplishments.

Oelbaum’s teacher and mentor, Dr. Floyd Jones, associate professor, sport management, motivated him and his classmates to think through their goals. Jones urged the students to develop steps and a plan to reach their ultimate objective. With this encouragement, Oelbaum set his sights on earning an Emmy.

“Dr. Jones would often challenge us to think creatively and to be overly prepared,” Oelbaum explained. He believes these are the most important lessons he learned that led to his achievement.

“Thinking outside of the box in television is important. It takes imaginative ideas to keep the show fresh,” he explained.

During his time at WVU, Oelbaum interned for the “TV home of the Mets” (SNY). He immediately knew that he wanted to work in sports broadcasting. After receiving a BS in sport management and a minor in communications, he worked briefly with a major league soccer team in Minnesota before a chance with the MLB Network opened, his dream opportunity.

As the associate producer at MLB Network, Oelbaum builds graphics regarding player stats, divisional standings and coordinates with a creative artist on show elements. “Our show MLB Tonight was awarded best studio show (daily) for the fourth time. This, however, was my first award since being hired,” he added.

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